Lung Cancer Screening

Now, thanks to medical research showing the life-saving benefits of early lung cancer detection, current and former smokers may be eligible for a CT scan to detect early signs of lung cancer. Early detection of lung cancer means diagnosis and treatment can happen sooner, when the disease is easier to treat, and possibly cure. For patients who meet the eligibility requirements, this low-dose CT scan is now a health benefit covered by most insurance plans.

What is a Lung Cancer Screening?

A lung cancer screening involves a low-dose computed tomography (CT) scan. The scan is quick and painless and will be read by a board-certified radiologist.

Would a Screening Benefit Me?

Those who may be eligible include:

  • Are you ages 55 to 77 years old?
  • Have you smoked in the last 15 years?
  • Do you have a 30 pack-year or more history of smoking (this means 1 pack per day for 30 years or 2 packs per day for 15 years)?

If you answered yes to all three questions above, lung cancer screening could be beneficial to your health.

What should I expect with a screening?

We provide a comprehensive approach to assessing lung cancer risk, and screenings include the following:

  • Physical evaluation and a painless, non-invasive CT scan
  • Results and recommendations within a week of screening
  • Ongoing communication with referring physicians

How Do I Make an Appointment?

Contact your primary care physician and ask for a referral. If you need a primary care physician, we can help you find one.


Medicare and many insurances cover lung cancer screening for patients who meet the criteria. Contact Shelby Baptist Medical Center by calling (205) 620-8017 for more pricing information.

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